I was recently contacted by a lady that I connected with on LinkedIn to meet me and "have coffee" with me since she may need some writing services. I had another gal recently on Meetup suggest we meet for "coffee"as we could be good "referral partners." I have had two referrals who informed me that they don't speak very good English, one even said he wanted to meet in person if he was going to do business with me.
I know of another woman who was referred to me for networking purposes back during the snow storm we had since she was a small business owner as well and she wasn't able to come to any of the three events that I invited her to that I would be at.
My point of sharing these examples is that if there is ANYONE you want me to meet in person and/or who wants to meet me in person before they decide to hire me for career coaching, business marketing, writing, editing, and/or LinkedIn services and/or before they will start referring business to me, have them meet me for FREE, no obligation this coming Saturday, May 4th from 11 am to 4:45 pm, Sunday, May 5th 11 am to 4:45 pm, and Saturday, May 11th from 11 am to 4:45 pm at the Costco located at: 1201 39th Ave SW, Puyallup, WA 98373.
I will be standing next to the Fitbit devices and selling them and wearing a Fitbit polo shirt and name tag that reads: "Carly C." This is a temporary position that I was contacted for and since it doesn't affect my business, I decided to do especially since it helps out for taxes (recall the self-employment tax business owners have to pay yearly). You won't miss me because I am near the front entrance of Costco on the left past the Direct Tv salesperson next to the portable air conditioners and Fitbit devices. I was contacted to sell Fitbit devices since Mother's Day is coming up (as you know), on Sunday, May 12th. If for whatever reason, you don't see me, I maybe at my half hour lunch which I take halfway through my shift, so I would advise contacting me BEFOREHAND to inform me what hour/time you'd plan to come so that I can look out for you and/if you've never met me before, have the person you're referring to me text me on my cell: 360-981-7463 if I am at lunch so that I can let them know when I will be returning.
Also, make sure to bring your "coffee" and/or other beverage of your choice so that you can chat with me and get to know me in a low pressure way. :) So, those are 3 dates with wide time windows for you and your referrals to come "meet me in person" for free. Please be respectful and not show up at 4:45 pm when my shift is over on any of those dates and be sure to allow for plenty of time.
This can also be your opportunity to bring to me any monopoly tickets from Safeway/Albertsons that you want to donate to me and want to save on the postage of snail mailing to me at: Carly Calabrese 18807 97th Avenue Court East Puyallup, WA 98375. This past Monday, I had given a homeless vet man across from the Nature Center at the Fred Meyer in Tacoma, a bavarian cream donut and potato hot dog buns from monopoly winnings, then an elder homeless man at the corner of the Canyon off ramp freeway in Puyallup a can of French green beans and potato hot dog buns, and another elder homeless man a bag of guacamole chips (they are super delicious!) who was at the corner of Walgreens on Canyon in Puyallup (all were from monopoly winnings except the guacamole chips). Thank you in advance for your support. All 3 homeless men were very grateful. Last Friday, I saw the same homeless woman at the Fred Meyer across from the Nature Center in Tacoma that I had given the Organics animal crackers (monopoly winnings) and gave her a mixed fruit cocktail can (no can opener needed) and a pack of hamburger buns (from monopoly winnings).
Thank you!
Carly Calabrese
Career Coach/Business Marketer/Writer/Editor/LinkedIn Consultant
Cell: 360 981-7463
Work Solutions - "Serving businesses, career seekers, individuals, and freelance opportunities."
Visit: www.worksolutionstoday.com
"Decide what you want, decide what you are willing to exchange for it. Establish your priorities and get to work." –H.L. Hunt