"Common Knowledge" is a game show on the Game Show Network which individuals in teams of 3 can compete with another team of 3 for a chance at winning $10,000 by answering "common knowledge" questions in a variety of topics that we should know. It's a fun, educational show that Joey Fatone hosts (he used to be a member of N'Sync back in the day) & is a half hour long (that's technically 20 minutes if you record it and fast forward through the commercials).
I saw this question on one of their latest episodes which I thought would be perfect to ask you to see if you know the correct answer (refer to the image below):
A 2018 Centennial Health magazine book, "The Science of Personality" one of their chapters was "The versatile self" which discusses what people want to change with their personalities & studies that were performed. There is also a section in that same chapter, "Plan your Personality Makeover" which has the following 6 bullet points (that I found beneficial in sharing):
1. Admit that some parts of you are sabotaging what the rest of you wants. "What is remarkable is when people have traits that are interfering so much with what they want to accomplish in life, yet they don't want to change," says Mayer.
2. Make concrete goals each week that will pull your thoughts, feelings and behaviors in alignment with your desired traits, says Hudson. If you want to become more agreeable, come up with a list of kind, tenderhearted and selfless actions that you can do regularly, like serving others, buying gifts or giving sincere compliments. If you want to become more extraverted, make small weekly goals, such as asking friends to go to lunch, attending club meetings or going to public places and meeting new people.
3. Though there are many paths to change, psychotherapy is a great choice, says Mayer. A therapist will provide a set of insights, then the client must "work through" those as he or she navigates a reinvention.
4. If committing to a therapist over time is not possible or appealing to you, signing up for a short-term coaching session cold jump-start your personality makeover.
5. Set up a support system of people who emulate the traits you want or who at least admire those traits and can respect the work you are doing to improve yourself. "It's harder to bring about a change when other people prefer you to stay the same," Mayer says. "It's important to get buy-in from as many people as possible."
6. Separate circumstances from "stuckness". Sometimes the realities of a job or family pressures may make right now a difficult time to dedicate yourself to personality change. But if there aren't any environmental factors holding you back from changing yourself for the better, spell out the reasons that it is important to make the change and then make a plan for implementing it. "You don't have to do it all at once," says Mayer, "Just take a small first step."
Thank you!
Carly Calabrese
Career Coach/Business Marketing Consultant/Writer/Editor/LinkedIn Consultant
Email me: info@worksolutionstoday.com
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