Below is my latest flyer with 15 one-sentence manifestations that if you &/or someone you know would like to be able to say with conviction for your/their business or career then that would be another reason we would want to chat for a free, no obligation 15-minute phone call.
*I've landed my dream job/career.
*I love, am committed to, & proud of my career/job.
*I am gainfully employed.
*I can present myself in the best positive light, with honesty & integrity.
*I am authentic, genuine, & present myself as a confident & knowledgeable professional who'd be a perfect fit for the job or business.
*I am confident in presenting myself for my career or business.
*I know what risks are worth taking in life & "playing it safe" NOBODY wins.
*I am challenged, EXCITED, & passionate about my job/career.
*I like to maximize my job & my business resources, by investing in myself.
*I possess updated & quality marketing tools to aid me in obtaining jobs & business.
*I know being an entrepreneur is where I should be.
*I know how to ask for what I'm worth for my career & business.
*I have plenty of money for bills & then some.
*I am open to constructive feedback & self-improvement.
If you'd like to get a copy of my flyer to be snail mailed to you for you to hang up behind your computer (on the wall) to look at (or a another place you regularly look at) &/or would like a few snail mailed to you that you'd post on a board at a public place that has one &/or to hand to someone, please reply back to this email & let me know how many flyers you'd like.
Thank you!
He's looking for apprentices and laborers to join his team. Laborers are short term workers that do not want an education or long-term work opportunity.
Apprentices will have the opportunity to join their growing community and businesses. It is a longer-term educational and career opportunity with room for growth in pay, skills, and responsibilities.
This owner said that one of his landscape guys is currently making $500 a day. (I'm by no means promising that you &/or whoever you refer will make the same amount). Everything I typed in this section (aside from the $500 a day part and my opinion in the paragraph below) I took from a copy of a flyer I asked to have since I told him I help people find work.
The ideal candidate for either position described above (This is me saying my opinion, remember you don't have to meet all of the "ideal list" for a job description so don't let that deter you &/or who you refer):
Live in Graham, WA
Comfortable working in all weather
Physically fit, able to lift 50 pounds comfortably
Ideal age 17-27
Positive attitude
Willingness to learn and the ability to follow directions
Pay depending on performance ($15 an hour minimum)
If interested, please email: [email protected] for an application and interview. He also requests you include your name, age, city, and why this position interests you.