With many of you working from home (both business and personal), as well as hopefully minimizing travel due to corona virus here's another "to do" you need to do right now whether you're a business owner, career seeker, or business professional in general - updating/revamping your LinkedIn profile or getting a profile setup (if you don't have one).
Why now? Because it's the one thing that is always done 100% remotely so there's no chance of putting your or my health at risk for corona virus. The value of a revamped/new LinkedIn profile is invaluable to helping market yourself professionally as well as advancing in your career. It's an "advertisement" that works for you even when you're not doing anything with it (i.e. you're sleeping or going about your regular life) and an "investment" for you NOW and in the FUTURE. All in a one-time payment that can be getting you business and/or jobs TODAY.
If it's something you've put off or never thought of, NOW is the TIME. It's no different than when people do "spring cleaning" and/or "regular maintenance/cleaning/projects" at some point you know it needs to get done (i.e. dusting and cleaning all your windows and light fixtures in your home), so why NOT do it at a time when you know when life "isn't normal" right now with corona virus so you can have a "competitive advantage", "be prepared," and "stand out" amongst your other competition out there who are in similar situation(s) to you? (i.e. laid off, not booming with business, etc.)
In the LinkedIn revamp/setup package, I interview you to write your story of your work experience for your bio section of your LinkedIn profile (versus just listing experience like some people do (i.e. 10 years management experience, 5 years sales which is not interesting or engaging), fill out your entire job/business history, volunteer experience, causes you support, awards, letters of recommendation, samples of your work, video links, patents, publications, attach pictures, etc. for each job/business you've had. I will change your profile photo to a professional photo (if you have one) or refer you to a professional photographer. I also change your LinkedIn profile URL (website link) so you can be easier found when you share your LinkedIn link on your email signatures, business cards, etc. and your headline to an attention grabbing headline. I also fix any grammar, spelling, punctuation, and syntax errors in your LinkedIn profile. All for a one-time payment of $250 and instead of charging the debit/credit card processing fee which with this charge which would be $260.15, I am waiving it for this month's corona virus specials that's a $10.15 savings!
I am also giving a $10 off discount for any service or consultation of mine that is $75 or more (cannot be combined with any other discount/special/etc.) that can be used within 1 year of the date of purchase with this package purchase and it can be gifted to someone else if you are not wanting to use, but the same deadline & terms & conditions apply. I am literally saving you $10.15 NOW and giving you $10 off in the future a $20.15 total savings!
For this AMAZING special, all you have to do is click the purple "Buy Now" button at the bottom of this newsletter link: https://conta.cc/2RNNYLP BEFORE April 30th at 11:55 pm PM Pacific Standard Time.You or the person you purchase this LinkedIn package for can be used 1 year from the date of purchase.
I am also offering 50% off ALL my consultations THIS MONTH for corona virus. If you or someone you know needs a resume reviewed and/or career guidance, or need marketing consulting in your business, or a writing/editing/or LinkedIn project regardless if you're a career seeker or business owner all you have to do is review the consultation(s) you're interested in below & click the purple "Buy Now" button at the bottom of this newsletter link:https://conta.cc/2RNNYLP
1) A Career and resume 30 minute phone consultation includes me reviewing one resume prior to setting the consultation along with a 9-question form that I have you fill out prior to better assist your specific needs. At the 30 minute phone consultation, I will provide my resume recommendations, provide you tailored recommendation(s) and tailored price quote(s) to what you need, & we will have the opportunity to ask & answer any questions we may have. All normally for $75 (or $78.15 with a debit/credit card there is a processing fee to process your card that I don't benefit from) but, is $37.50 (or $39.75 with card payment) special good until BEFORE April 30th at 11:55 pm Pacific Standard Time. After the consultation, you will have recommendations on improving your resume, an idea what you need to do to accomplish your career goals, & we both will know if we are a good fit to continue to work together. You or the person you purchase this consultation for can be used 1 year from the date of purchase.
2) A LinkedIn profile review & 30 minute phone consultation includes me reviewing one LinkedIn profile prior to setting the consultation along with a 4-question form that I have you fill out prior to better assist your specific needs. At the 30 minute phone consultation, I will provide my LinkedIn profile recommendations, provide you tailored recommendation(s) and tailored price quote(s) to what you need, & we will have the opportunity to ask & answer any questions we may have. All normally for $60 (or $62.55 with a debit/credit card there is a processing fee to process your card that I don't benefit from) but, is $30 (or $32 with card payment) special good until BEFORE April 30th at 11:55 pm Pacific Standard Time. After the consultation, you will have recommendations on improving your LinkedIn profile, an idea what you need to do specifically with LinkedIn to best achieve your career goals, tailored price quote(s), & we both will know if we are a good fit to continue to work together. You or the person you purchase this consultation for can be used 1 year from the date of purchase.
A friendly reminder that I offer a free, no obligation up to 15 minute phone call to see how I can help you at any time, to schedule that phone call, please email: [email protected].
Thank you,
Carly Calabrese
Career Coach/Business Marketing Consultant/Writer/Editor/LinkedIn Consultant
Email me: [email protected]
Work Solutions - "Providing career assistance, business marketing consulting, writing, editing, and LinkedIn services for individuals and freelance opportunities."
Visit: www.worksolutionstoday.com
“It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed.”
–Theodore Roosevelt