I was interviewed on Rainier Avenue Radio World for Women Empowerment Talk Radio and you can listen to this half hour show for free (I was asked two questions, so it's pretty short, since another business owner was interviewed as well and of course, community events and news were also discussed by the two co-hosts) every Friday at 2 pm, Saturday 6:30 pm, and Sunday at 4:30 pm JUST THIS MONTH at: https://www.rainieravenueradio.world/
Do you and/or someone you know want to meet since they've never met me in person before and/or want to see me again and join me at the following event tomorrow?
This is the PERFECT opportunity for those people who have wanted to meet me in person BEFORE they do business with me or hasn't seen me in awhile to SEIZE these opportunities. The last time I had emailed these opportunities OUTSIDE of my events was this past February and one of my event outings I was attending was cancelled because of the snow storm. So, again, I really mean it when I say jump on these opportunities! William Arthur Ward couldn't have said it best,“Opportunities are like sunrises. If you wait too long, you miss them.”THIS Saturday, September 28, 2019 2 pm to 4 pm at the Federal Way Fitness Studio located at: 33633 9th Avenue South Federal Way, WA 98003 "Clutternomics Clear your way to productivity, abundance, & peace!"
Kathleen Ronald will be presenting her 2-hour workshop "Clutternomics." Clutternomics affects 19 areas of your life and business! Organizations are losing tens of thousands, and in some case millions, over a year's time due to their business clutter and the clutter each of their employees brings in.
Clutter is the costly killer! Does your clutter cause you stress, loss of time, money, and peace of mind to name a few?
The cost of clutter to an organization is enormous! Stephanie Winston, author of the Organized Executive, estimates an hour each day is lost to disorder, costing an organization over $8,000 for an employee earning $65,000 a year.
In this session, you will:
- Discover why de-cluttering is one of Kathleen's top business strategies for "instant" abundance.
- Learn "one" easy rule and 'get back' 7 hours per week.
- Explore the steps to increase your productivity by lowering your work clutter.
- Learn the "De-Clutter System" to get your life back
Tickets are $47 a person, but Kim DeMile, owner of the Federal Way Fitness Studio is giving a discount $10 off if you use the code "FWJAZZ" or invite 5 others and get that special discount as well. You can secure your spot(s) and purchase your ticket(s) at: https://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/m?oeidk=a07eghsnhaj26020674&seq=&c=3bd48f30-c98b-11e3-b32a-d4ae52710c75&ch=dc54c030-88c7-11e6-ba2d-d4ae52712b64
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me.
Thank you,
Carly Calabrese
Career Coach/Business Marketer/Writer/Editor/LinkedIn Consultant
Cell: 360 981-7463
Work Solutions - "Serving businesses, career seekers, individuals, and freelance opportunities."
Visit: www.worksolutionstoday.com
“Opportunities are like sunrises. If you wait too long, you miss them.”–William Arthur Ward